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Playing a keyboard VS playing a piano


A popular question that online piano teacher, Matthew Clayton often gets asked is “I want to learn how to play the piano - should I buy a keyboard or a piano?”. There is not one definitive way to answer that question - first of all you need to decide whether you want to learn the keyboard or piano as they are very different instruments. Keyboard lessons will focus on more popular styles and the use of sound effects and backing tracks, whereas learning the piano will focus on learning as a solo instrument. However, that said, in the very beginning it doesn’t matter which one you choose to buy.

Lots of piano students begin learning on a keyboard as they are a more affordable option, plus there are fun elements of a keyboard that make learning in the beginning more enjoyable - such as playing with various voices - you can play your beginner piano music on strings and string effects- plus lots of keyboards come with backing beats etc. However, you do need to be aware that if you want to learn the piano properly, you will need to think about buying a keyboard that has some degree of touch response or weighted keys. It will be better to buy a keyboard or digital piano that has the action of a real piano- it will have the feel of a real piano.

Also, pianos general come in one size of 88 keys, however, keyboards can come in a range of sizes - the most popular is the five octave keyboard. These are great to learn on in the beginning and they don’t take up much room in the family home and can be transported easily as they are so light. However as you progress, you will want to play piano pieces that use more notes than what is offered in the five octave piano. It is also worth noting that if you buy an electric version of a piano they don’t require maintenance - i.e. tuning. If you buy a real piano, you will need your piano tuned by a professional tuner that will cost around £60 in the UK. If you want to buy a real piano but don’t want to spend huge amounts, you might want to consider buying a second hand piano.

It is now possible to take piano lessons from your own home, as Matthew, an experienced piano teacher from the UK now gives piano lessons online through online video calls. Matthew’s piano students normally take a weekly 30 minute piano lesson - then pupils practise on their own during the week. Matthew charges $25 per half hour piano lesson- you can select how many lessons you want- you only need to book one lesson at a time, you don’t need to commit to a block of piano lessons. Matthew makes his online piano lessons fun, you will progress through the piano grades learning popular classical and contemporary chart songs that you know and find enjoyable to play. You will also learn all the scales and chords.

To send an enquiry to Matthew, please contact on



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