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Online Music Theory Lessons


If you are thinking of sitting the ABRSM Music theory exam, you maybe looking for online music theory lessons. Look no further than Matthew Clayton, who is a fully qualified music teacher from the United Kingdom. He has studied music up to masters level, and now teaches piano and music theory in schools and colleges.

If you would like to book online music theory lessons with Matthew, to help you pass your Grade 5 ABRSM music theory exam then please send an e-mail to 

Matthew can teach you online through the medium of Skype from anywhere in the world to help you achieve a distinction in your Grade 5 theory music exam. You can set a time with Matthew where you are both free and can commit to the lesson. He charge £25 per half hour lesson. This can be paid through pay pal.

Matthew will able to teach you how to learn key signatures and write out relevant scales such as major, minor harmonic and minor melodic. He will be able to give you advice regarding intervals, and how to easily spot harmonic and melodic intervals. He will also go through all the chords that you will need to know for the Grade 5 exam- you will learn all the chords and the relevant inversions. Matthew can give you lessons in time signatures and understanding rests, triplets and duplets. Lessons with also cover the names of notes such as crotchets and demisemiquavers and how they are effected by placing a dot after the note. Lessons will also cover compound and simple time.  He will also be able to explain how to count beats and insert bar lines. Matthew will also be able to teach you the rudiments of music and relevant music terminology required for the ABRSM Grade 5 Theory exam. Matthew will also teach you the technical names of notes such as tonic, supertonic and mediant.

If you have any gaps in you music theory knowledge from previous theory grades, Matthew will try and cover all topics with you to refresh your understanding. You do not need to have passed any previous theory grades to enter. If you would like to sit ABRSM practical exams graded at 6,7 and 8 – you will need to have passed your grade 5 theory exam. Many people want to study music theory for other reasons as it can help with your overall understanding of music if you are thinking of applying to a music college or university.

Matthew will explain topics to you, then give you assignments to complete. Matthew will mark your work for you for no extra costs- he will then go through all your mistakes in the next lesson and help you understand your corrections.

Book a lesson with Matthew today and he can arrange a lesson through Skype today!



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