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Naming the notes on the piano


The first note everyone learns on piano is middle C. Middle C can be found quite easily as it is next to the two black keys (just to the left hand side of the two black keys) in the middle of the piano. If you count up from C in the right direction you have C, D, E, F, G and A. If you count tow notes down from middle see you have an A - and if you are thinking in terms of the alphabet, you can count up from the A in the right direction and it spells out the alphabet - A B C D E F G - we don’t have a H in music, H is not a musical note- all that happens after the G note on the piano is that we repeat the system again and start from A.

So after every 7 notes on the piano, the system repeats again and we have the same notes - but these notes would be described as being in a “different octave” - they same be the same note, and will sound good played at the same time, but if you listen carefully you’ll be able to hear the same note in a different octave will sound higher or lower in pitch on the piano. As well as naming the notes on the piano, if you are learning the piano, it is important from the very beginning to number your finger numbers.

The thumb is known as 1 in piano music - so if you see 1 written on the piano score, it means play that note with your thumb. The next fingers are 2,3,4 and 5. People who have learnt the violin or guitar before learning the piano can sometimes have difficulty in adjusting to the piano system of labelling fingers as they are different on those instruments. It is important when you learn the piano that you get all the basics correct such as naming notes and finger numbers before attempting more complex things.

It is surprising how many students want to skip the initial foundation phase and just get onto playing pieces - but this is a mistake - the time you spend on technique is vital in the first few lessons

You can learn a lot on the internet these days, but there comes a point whether you are an adult or a child, that you would benefit a great deal by having one to one piano lessons with a teacher. This can still be done online by having lessons over a video call. Matthew Clayton is a piano teacher from the UK who teaches his piano students online. Matthew gives mostly 30 minute lessons over the video call, so it feels like you are actually having a teacher visit your house to give you the lesson in person. Lots of educational services have now moved online, partly due to the convenience of it and secondly since the Covid -19 outbreak people are turning to alternative ways to receive educational services. Matthew has lots of experience teaching piano in schools and colleges in the UK and teaches his students both classical and pop music. He also gives his students a good grounding in music theory. Lots of Matthew’s pupils have sat music theory exams through the ABRSM and have gained credit which helps them get into future universities.

So if you are wanting to learn the keyboard or piano and are seeking outstanding online piano lessons, get in contact with Matthew today.

Arrange your first online piano lesson by emailing Matthew on today!



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